Engaging members for a thriving coop.
Three Rivers Revival is a growing coalition of concerned members working collaboratively toward a thriving Three Rivers Market rooted in community and true to its cooperative identity.
Goals for our Work:
Increase member involvement and accountability in TRM governance.
Illustrate the significance of high employee turnover for individuals, our co-op, and our community. Advocate possibilities to course correct and build a healthy, professional workspace for current and future employees.
Elect, educate, and nurture board members who support a co-op model that empowers members, vendors, and workers.
Bolster cooperative values.
Voice your concerns about recent issues at TRM.
350 signatures
and counting!
Election season for Three Rivers Market is under way!
Three of nine total Board of Directors seats are up for a vote this fall.
Three Rivers Revival has developed a platform to help cultivate and educate board candidates,
as well as inform the public about unrealized potential for our community-owned cooperative business.
PLATFORM for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year:
Establish avenues for open, timely communication among board and members.
Revise board meeting format to allow meaningful engagement from member attendees, as should be available in this representative democracy forum, and which is present in our other local legislative bodies such as City Council and County Commission, for example.
Clarify and codify members’ by-right access to information regarding board governance and store operations.
Amend bylaws to remove barriers to democratic engagement, including restrictions regarding employee and vendor service as board members. Additionally, amendment must strengthen member purview in the bylaws-amendment process.
Establish and codify reporting to the board, with clear and consistent metrics, by additional parties - such as store manager, finance personnel, human resources director, and union representatives - as part of the board’s ongoing policy monitoring process to support its primary oversight duty.
Conduct independent third-party review of store operations which reflect the general manager’s job performance, to include scrutiny of whether violations of established policies and cooperative principles have occurred.
During review, devote special attention to price increases, evaluate product margins and inventory turns, assess adequacy of product quality and availability resulting from order sizes, product rotation, and freshness which directly correlates to food waste, product losses, and financial mismanagement.
The third-party operations review must have an initial comprehensive assessment and then periodic “tune-ups” to ensure operational improvements from an implemented plan persist.